Monday, September 19, 2005

Moses in the House Chamber
This is from Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis International, a quite large, successful organization which is helping to turn the tide of false "Evolution Propaganda" through seminars, DVDs, books, articles, a web "Answers" database, their Creation Magazine, a Technical Journal, and soon a Creation Museum.

Saturday, September 17th, 2005

You may remember me mentioning on my blog some time back about our visit to the Capitol Building in Washington DC (To Washington and Back). As Congress was not in session, we were able to go into the House Chamber. Around the the walls near the top there are sculptures of lots of famous people—but the one that stood out was Moses. Moses is the ONLY one who is seen face on and he is looking directly at the Rostrum. When the President gives a State of the Union address, Moses is looking right at him. I was able to locate a web site that shows you pictures of all the sculptures in the House Chamber—the following link takes you directly to the Moses sculpture—and you can then look at the others if you want to.

Moses—the law giver who looks over Congress but is not allowed in court rooms or public schools! The irony is stunning.

In my opinion, the display in the House Chamber is quite proper with all the lesser lawgivers facing Moses. This chamber was built during a time in our country when appropriate respect was given to the Bible and its heroes. In fact, the USA was built directly upon Biblical laws and principles, hence it's great success.

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Blogger BWE said...

Hi Dave.

I like Moses. He really did a lot with what he had to work with.

The USA however, not so sure about it being built directly upon Biblical laws and principles. Have you ever read John Locke? David Hume? Montesquieu? Read the Federalist papers, especially Federalist 10. (James Madison) Read Jefferson.

My favorite from the period is this one though:William Blake

Here's your homework: which one of these is different from the others? Why? (600 words, 11 point font double spaced)

10:25 PM  
Blogger bizbroker said...

I would like to read the Federalist papers. I'll make you a deal. I'll read the Federalist Papers if you will read "Original Intent" by David Barton.

Then we'll have a discussion on the Founders and the Founding era.

2:50 AM  
Blogger BWE said...

Jesus Dave,

I listed 5 ORIGINAL SOURCES for enlightenment thought and the political discourse surrounding the formation of our country and you give me a christian appologetics analysis of the rabble around the founding fathers?

Alright. I like that kind of a deal. I'll go get it.
In terms of the federalist papers, you can get to the meat of them here

It might take me a few days to pick up your book. I will try to find it at Powells. I will be downtown on Thursday.

10:52 AM  
Blogger BWE said...

I would rather start with that William Blake bit though. I like allegory.

You up for it? Tell me what is wrong with it?

10:54 AM  
Blogger bizbroker said...

I have no idea who William Blake is, but I've always wanted to read the complete federalist papers anyway.

You can get "Original Intent" from

What do you do for a living anyway, that you can sit around all day and post?

11:00 AM  
Blogger BWE said...

The link is on the first comment.

I write recommendations for fisheries policy (draft policy). But I am working 3/4 time right now due to an injury last fall. Also, I work at home a lot. But, I get paid by my output, not by the hour so don't worry.

I also do several other things, one project I am working on is a book about how the internet has given a voice to a bunch of loony people who's religion is on too tight :)
-This is research. Seriously.

3:31 PM  
Blogger BWE said...

Ok davey, I got your book. Ugh. I should have got it fro mthe library. I'm sorry, It is going to be hard to discuss this book because it is just so unbelievably stupid.

1:15 PM  
Blogger BWE said...

Where did ys go?

7:16 PM  
Blogger BWE said...

Davey, dija ever read the poisonwood bible? It's about a missionary and his family. Very good read.

12:46 AM  
Blogger BWE said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:55 PM  
Blogger bizbroker said...

Argystokes' statement is a distortion. The word he should have used is 'unconfirmed', not 'unsourced.' And that only according to the much higher legal standard. According to normal academic standards, all of Barton's quotes are 'confirmed.' Here is the truth about some of Barton's quotes ...

Unconfirmed quotes

6:35 AM  

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